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990402 Noam Chomsky - US Iraq Policy: Motives and Consequences

The US is poised to launch a major war on Iraq. A day does not go by without urgent new pronouncements from on high about the need to attack Iraq. US missile and air strikes on that country, since the end of the Gulf War, have become so routine as to be hardly noticed. Staples of media coverage include Pentagon-generated footage of jets roaring off carrier decks, bemedalled generals with their pointers and maps showing targets, government officials and pundits warning about weapons of mass destruction. Is there something missing from the official story?

Noam Chomsky, renowned MIT professor, has made a careful study of US Iraq policy and has uncovered much hidden history and information. He is recognised the world over as the foremost critic of US foreign policy. His book 9-11 is an international bestseller.

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Alternative Radio (Aust.) PO Box 780 Morwell Victoria 3848 Australia
tel. 61-3-5134-8556 mob. 61-413-597-828